BioPAX is a standard language for integration, exchange, visualization and analysis of biological pathway data. BioPAX supports data exchange between pathway data groups and thus reduces the complexity of interchange between data formats by providing an accepted standard format for pathway data. By offering a standard, with well-defined semantics for pathway representation, BioPAX allows pathway databases and software to interact more efficiently. In addition, BioPAX enables the development of pathway visualization from databases and facilitates analysis of experimentally generated data through combination with prior knowledge. The BioPAX effort is coordinated closely with that of other pathway related standards initiatives namely; PSI-MI, SBML, CellML, and SBGN in order to deliver a compatible standard in the areas where they overlap.


  • BioPAX documentation and examples
  • Paxtools (BioPAX API)
  • BioPAX Validator
  • BioPAX Converters

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GNU Library or Lesser General Public License version 2.0 (LGPLv2)

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Biological Pathway Exchange Language Web Site

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